The Philly Show is the nation's longest running sports memorabilia show established in 1975. We are located at the Valley Forge Casino in King of Prussia, PA. Continuing the 40+ year tradition and recognized as being one of the finest quality Vintage sports cards & memorabilia shows in the country. The Philly Show features over 175, 10 x 10 dealer booths encompassing all areas of Sports Collectibles both vintage era and modern day. Also featuring professional athletes from all sports for autograph signings and personal 1 on 1 Photo Opportunities. We always have at least 1 FREE autograph guest and sometimes as many as 3 FREE autograph guests at each event.
Valley Forge Casino Resort
1160 First Avenue
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Friday Sneak Peek Entry 1pm
Friday General Admission 3pm – 8pm
Saturday General Admission 9am – 5pm
Sunday General Admission 9am – 3pm