The Greater Boston Sports Collectors Club was founded by Peter D'Amico in his Lynn, MA home in the early 1970s. It gave card collectors a chance to gather to trade, buy and sell their extra cards as, at the time, there were not many card stores. They started out with 8-10 people meeting once a month at Peter's home. After a while, the circle of collectors grew to upwards of 20. Peter approached some friends about forming a collectors club - his friends liked the idea and the GBSCC was born.
In March of 1985, the GBSCC held its first organized meeting at the VFW in Reading, MA. Membership dues were $10.00 for 12 monthly meetings. At the meetings, members had free tables to buy/sell/trade their collectibles, and there were door prizes, a 50/50 cash raffle and an auction. GBSCC also brought in a monthly guest speaker, usually a former local athlete to share stories and sign autographs.
Every December, GBSCC held a Christmas party with a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus who gave every child in attendance a gift. The favorite part of the Christmas party was the raffle, which would last two hours! In later years, there was a silent auction. Santoro's provided a hot and cold buffet.
In March 1986, the Club held it's first sports convention at the Burlington Marriott. It was a sell out on tables and the crowd was 5-6 deep at the dealer tables. Our first autograph guests were former Red Sox pitchers Dick Radatz and Jim Lonborg. In year two, the event moved to Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington where it is still held today.
The show is considered to be the second finest show of its kind in the country, after the National Convention. Over the years it has brought in some of the greatest names in sports to sign autographs and continues to have a "who's who" in the dealer category. The club is celebrating its 34th convention in 2019.
Shriners Auditorium
99 Fordham Rd, Wilmington, MA 01887
March 14-16, 2025
April 4-6, 2025
June 27-29, 2025
September 19-21, 2025
October 17-19, 2025
December 12-14, 2025
Friday, November 1 • 12pm - 7pm
Saturday, November 2 • 9am 5pm
Sunday, November 3 • 9am - 3pm